A lot better
I give you this generous 10, for one the voice acting was clear of the characters. Well done. My other main point, i saw your last one. this is for improvement
A lot better
I give you this generous 10, for one the voice acting was clear of the characters. Well done. My other main point, i saw your last one. this is for improvement
i loled
what in the fuck?! i found this incredibly hilarious. as well as a tic disturbing. but it definately was worth the time i took to watch it.
Thanks for the vote, glad you enjoyed it :D
i just watched this on youtube. so it did make it there. go delete it if your going to.
the forest is on fire hsdbcksbdchbswcfbskhbchsab!!!
5dozeneggs+bowl+f***in mix em= PENISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS lol
so you like to blay castlevainya. 13 1 "1" [ 1-1 is teh one guys codec # "bitch"
good work
i actually love pretty much all sonic games exceot for sonic 06' and im at 150 sometin emblems on the gamecube version of SA2:B. but i do see the point
i wish i could take my flying V and make a stage come out of my front yard to avoid consequences
awesome work for a short video keep pulling out gus from nowhere and you got sometin.
Joined on 7/5/08